الذكاء الناجح وعلاقته بكل من فعالية الذات الأكاديمية والدافعية الأكاديمية لدى عينة من طالبات الجامعة

المؤلف    عامر، إبتسام محمود  قسم علم النفس، كلية التربية، جامعة القصيم  A52389
العنوان    الذكاء الناجح وعلاقته بكل من فعالية الذات الأكاديمية والدافعية الأكاديمية لدى عينة من طالبات الجامعة [مقال]
الصفحات    ص ص. 199-266
الملخص    The present study aimed to identify the differences in each of the academic self-efficacy and motivation academic depending on the successful intelligence, and predictability to both the academic self-efficacy and academic motivation through of successful intelligence capabilities, and the revealing  of the differences between each of the students in third level and six the level in the study variables . Limited current study on a sample of 200 students (100 students) level (third) and (100) student level (six), Faculty of Education - Department of Psychology - University of Qassim .showed results of the study about the presence of statistically significant differences at the level (0.01 ) between the average scores of students highlands and lowlands successful intelligence in academic self-efficacy, all the differences come  in the dimensions and the total score for the questionnaire successful intelligence for the benefit of the students Heights successful intelligence. Also found a statistically significant differences at the level (0.01) between the average scores of students highlands and lowlands successful intelligence in internal and external motivation and the total score, namely (Motivation to knowledge- Motivation to Accomplish Thing- Motivation to Experience Stimulation) and the differences were statistically significant at the 0.01 level of significance)) and these differences for the benefit of the students Heights successful intelligence. The results also showe absence of statistically significant differences between the students of the third level and the six in each of the successful intelligence , self effectively capacity. And some dimensions academic motivation.  to the predictability of academic self- efficacy through successful intelligence dimensions ( Practical abilities.- Analytical abilities). And predictability of academic motivation through successful intelligence dimensions. (Published Abstract) http://search.shamaa.org/abstract_en.gif
    الدافعية    A382
    الذكاء    A406
    الطلاب الجامعيون    A1341
    عوامل الذكاء    A17053
المؤلف الاضافي    محمود، حنان حسين  قسم علم النفس، كلية التربية، جامعة القصيم  A48521
المصدر    دراسات تربوية ونفسية :مجلة كلية التربية بالزقازيق. ع. 94، ج. 2، يناير 2017 42111

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