تخطيط التعليم من أجل النهوض بالدولة الهشة
المؤلف عيد، سعاد محمد التخطيط التربوية، قسم أصول التربية، كلية التربية، جامعة الزقازيق A40721
العنوان تخطيط التعليم من أجل النهوض بالدولة الهشة [مقال]
الصفحات ص ص. 1-97
الملخص The research considered education and planning are the way to get rid of the fragile circumstances and move towards development and constructing civilization. Breeding human being is considered the corner stone of any change where the educational matrix is completely responsible for it. In order to make sure of the effectiveness of education to achieve that aim, it is necessary to adopt planning. It is clearly stated that countries have fragile circumstances will suffer from weakness in all their aspects, undergo impediment in progress towards achieving the developmental aims of the millennium and cannot benefit from aide grants and loans offer to them, which will lead to huge costs whether from the economic, social or humanitarian aspects endured by the poor from the present or the coming generations. It is noteworthy that these countries will be a main source of anxiety from the security perspective. All these issues enforced education to adopt different aims whether on the long or the short range. So, planning to such type of education must be completely different to what it seeks to achieve, in its extent and scope and in the suitable kinds of planning chosen to suit these fragile circumstances. The educational planner must have new roles besides his basic roles that he has to do in the stable circumstances. (Published Abstract) http://search.shamaa.org/abstract_en.gif
التخطيط التربوي A983
التطوير التربوي A1132
التنمية A574
الدولة والتربية A1296
المصدر دراسات تربوية ونفسية :مجلة كلية التربية بالزقازيق. ع. 94، ج. 2، يناير 2017 42111
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