كفايات التدريس اللازمة للإقتصاد المعرفي : تقدير الطلاب لأهميتها وممارستها في كلية التربية بجامعة القصيم

المصدر Shamaa

المؤلف    الصقري، عواطف إبراهيم كلية التربية، جامعة القصيم  ^A45258
العنوان    كفايات التدريس اللازمة للإقتصاد المعرفي : تقدير الطلاب لأهميتها وممارستها في كلية التربية بجامعة القصيم [مقال]
متغيرات العنوان    Teaching competencies required for the knowledge economy an estimate of the students and their importance and practice in the college of education at the University of Qassim [Article]
الصفحات    ص ص. 39-139
الملخص    The main target of this study is recognizing the importance of the faculty members and the amount of practice they applied on the teaching competencies required for the knowledge economy in faculty of education from the point of view of the students Qassim university, and to show if there are any difference between the importance of the practice of the members of the faculty and between its amount based on the teaching skills according to knowledge economy so we find that the differences due to students point of view classifieds according to the variables of (gender, specialization, educational level, and degree). So we find both of the researchers depended on the tool of the study which was a questionnaire about the technique of preparing researchers so that it was applied on a sample of 437 students (males and females), the study found that the members of the sample of the questionnaire agreed on the importance of the members of the faculty practicing the competencies required for the knowledge economy moderately finding that they were applying it moderately as well. The result of the study also showed that there are no differences with statistically significant about the bearing of the members of the study due to the importance of faculty members practicing the competencies when it comes to differences in gender, marital status, specialization and educational levels. On the other side the study proved that there were differences with statistically significant about the bearings of the members of the study when it comes to the faculty members practicing the teaching competencies required for the knowledge economy due to the change of gender in favor for males and the variable of GPA in favor for those whom their ranges were between 2.5- 3, more over this study showed that there are no differences with statistically significant about the amount of faculty members practicing the teaching competencies required for the knowledge economy concerning the marital status, specialization and level. (Published Abstract) http://search.shamaa.org/abstract_en.gif
الواصفات    جامعة القصيم (السعودية) كلية التربية   ^A30822
الواصفات    اتجاهات الطلاب    ^A454
الواصفات    اقتصاد المعرفة    ^A2138
الواصفات    التقييم    ^A1105
الواصفات    الطلاب الجامعيون    ^A1341
الواصفات    الكفايات التعليمية    ^A698
الواصفات    طرائق التدريس    ^A526
المؤلف الاضافي    البازعي، حصة حمود  كلية التربية، جامعة القصيم  ^A45259
المصدر    مجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسية. 39536 مج. 11، ع. 1، سبتمير 2017
     النص الكامل (PDF)
رقم الوثيقة    124292

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